Together, we can address any situation, event, or circumstance.

Meet Patrice

One of the most common questions I get is, “Why should I hire a coach?” The answer is simple; a coach can help you optimize every aspect of your life. Coaches help you see yourself from the outside in, help you gain perspective and raise awareness by mirroring back to you, so you can see yourself and your life better. The results of good coaching can lead to improvement in productivity, communication, relationships, and achievement of goals.

What sets me apart from someone else is not what I know, but rather what I hear, what I can reflect, what I can sense, as well as what I can see, and how I can help you gain perspective.As your coach, I will help you see yourself in the light and reflect back to you like a mirror. I will help you get into your greatness and as you do, you will become more effective, creative, productive and evolved as person. I can help you increase your awareness by simply helping you re-frame situations. My questions will stimulate your thinking and offer you another perspective that will be like a flash light to a dark room! If you’re wondering what the right questions are, they’re the ones that might make you pause, say things out loud that might surprise you, confirm, clarify and help you break through stumbling blocks and turn them into stepping stones! Sometimes your answers may even baffle you, but the results are an expansion of thought with new perceptions and more effective solutions! 

Together, we can address any situation, event or circumstance that is affecting your life to help you flourish and optimize in a holistic way; this means not only improving what you produce but what you provide, for yourself and those you care for. It’s not ever about telling you what to do, it’s about asking you the right questions, and making key observations that help you reflect on your situations. 

I believe that every life challenge has an opportunity built into it. Regardless of the difficulty you face, the opportunity is there and I’ll help you see it. Struggles are meant to help you build not decline. My style is focused, fun, friendly and first class!

I believe no one is qualified to be the expert in your life except for you; you alone make choices that affect the outcome of your life marathon and no matter how qualified or unqualified someone is or is not to assist you, you make the calls, you run the race and you have to live with what that brings. I believe in prevention and proactive solutions. I focus on the now and look to the future, to assist you and empower you to run that marathon to your highest potential. I don’t dwell in the past on what you’ve done that may have got you stuck, but rather what might get you unstuck. I believe that well being is achieved by utilizing a holistic approach to life. My coaching  style is all about you; I focus on what you need and want, and how I can assist you in getting there.

I am passionate about helping people come into their greatness, gain clarity and optimize their life, both personally and professionally.

I am not here to judge you, tell you what to do or diagnose you; I’m here to shed some light on your path so you can see where to go and help you create whatever life you want.

I believe in the power of positive life strategies in every situation. I will empower you, cheer you, challenge you, encourage you, stretch your thinking, evolve your awareness and accelerate you into an extraordinary feeling of well-being and unlimited opportunities! 

You deserve support.